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ASIATIC Alcalineum Acaricide and Insecticide (White Oil) (500ml conc)

ASIATIC Alcalineum Acaricide and Insecticide (White Oil) (500ml conc)


$13.93 (incl. GST)


Alcalineum Acaricide and Insecticide are a White Oil Concentrate used to control Red Spider, Scale Insects, Mealybugs and other pests of Citrus, Mango, Olive, Deciduous Fruits and Ornamentals.

Add 1-2L of Alcalinuem Acaricide to 100L of water and mix thoroughly, spray a fine mist and ensure plants are thoroughly wet. Apply as soon as first signs of infestation appears and repeat 2-3 times weekly until no signs of infestation remains.

Mineral Oil - 80% w/w
Inert Ingredients - 20% w/w