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IMASPRO Nasa Glyphosate (1L Conc)

IMASPRO Nasa Glyphosate (1L Conc)


$27.25 (incl. GST)


Purpose: IR Nasa Glyphosate is a herbicide used to control unwanted plants and weeds.

Application: IR Nasa Glyphosate is applied as a spray solution. Mix well with water and spray. Please see the application rate on the packaging.

Compatibility: IR Nasa Glyphosate is compatible with most commonly used herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides.

Suitability: IR Nasa Glyphosate is suitable for use in various crops, landscapes, and non-crop areas. It is effective against a wide range of annual and perennial weeds, grasses, and broadleaf plants.

Glyphosate Isopropylamine - 41.0%
Inert Ingredients - 59.0%